Sunday, September 23, 2012

"In case you were wondering..." September 18, 2012

Wow, well this week went by really fast. This past week we have been working hard on making sure that all of the investigators are good and ready for their baptisms. Little Normita was baptized on Saturday. She is awesome! Her family are all members but she was never baptized. She has opened up alot since our first visit, now she is always ready and prepared to learn when we come. She said that she wants to be a missionary, but right now! So we gave her little pass along cards and she gives them out to all of her friends and the neighbors that she has. She says that she invites them all to church and wants them to learn like she is. She was really excited but nervous at the same time for her baptism. She said that people told her that when we baptize people, we just push them into a huge pool and they drown... Satan works in mischievous ways. We showed her the baptismal font and she was excited.
One of the families that we are teaching is progressing really fast. We left them all Libros de Mormon and left them 3 Nefi 11 to read. When we came back a day later, they had all read it and prayed about it. They said that it was "beautiful" and that they knew that it was true. The dad is really interested in reading about the Libro de Mormon and the fact that it took place in the Americas. He said he had read a little bit of everything. He flipped to Alma and read a chapter and then went to the beginning in 1 Nefi and read until chapter 4 and started asking about Laban and the Bronce plates and what was on them. They have a fecha for the 29th and are looking positive for this date.
We walked into our appointment that we had with the other family we are teaching and their little girl was playing with a giant one armed doll and was "feeding" it and taking care of it. I just thought it was funny because it had gotten wet from being left out in the rain and her mom was trying to take the sopping wet thing away but couldn't talk her daughter into giving it up until her doll was "asleep".
Oh just a fun fact in case anyone was wondering... the milk from a donkey is suuuppper salty and tastes disgusting to drink but really good in candys. The milk from goats is really sweet and is the second choice here apart from cows.

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