Thursday, August 9, 2012

"Shall we not go one in so great a cause" August 7, 2012

Well, I was right about one thing in my letter last week. We didn't get a lot of time to work in our area. We had to go down to Tegucigalpa for 2 days because President wanted the Zone Leaders there early for "ZL Consejo". So we went up on Tuesday afternoon and made it to the office around 5 o'clock. When we arrived, my hometown pal, AP Elder Casey grabbed me and we went to do divisions in his area to an appointment he had at 6. It was really fun spending the night doing divisions with him and contacting in taxi's together. We were walking down a road and it hit us that we were both in the middle of crowded Tegucigalpa with each other. Just the fact that I went to his Mission Farewell and us knowing each other before the mission blew our minds! We spent the night at his house too, it was a fun night.

Later in the week, we had set an appointment with our investigators to have a movie night. We watched the Joseph Smith movie. It went really well, two of the girls were tearing up. I just love watching that movie with investigators because alot of the times, even after we explain it, they don't understand who Joseph Smith really was. That he really was a prophet of God chosen to restore the Church of Jesus Christ upon the Earth. We had watched the movie with our investigators and their family members who were members of the church and afterwards, the members began to bear their testimonies on how they knew this was the true church of God and how Jesus Christ leads and directs the church hoy en dia.

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